Fish of the Queensland Coast

East Australia Salmon is the true Australia Salmon found across to New Zealand and known internationally as Kahawai. A great fighting fish on light tackle and actively targeted by a lot of Australian and New Zealand anglers. The Australian Salmon (both Eastern and Western) have a solid body although quite streamlined with a moderate pointed head. It has quite a deep forked tail. In colour, the Australian Salmon can range from a Steely black to dark green on its back with silver sides. They can also appear to have a yellow tinge to the side of the fish at times. The eastern and western subspecies can only be separated by the number of gill rakers. Australian Salmon can grow to almost 9 kgs.
In Australia The Eastern Australian Salmon occurs from Southern Queensland, through New South Wales and into Victoria as far as Port Phillip Bay (where it overlaps with the Western Australian Salmon) In New Zealand the Eastern Australian Salmon (Kahawai) occurs right around the North Island and the top of the South Island.
Also Known As
Eastern Australian Salmon; Kahawai; Australian Salmon; Black Back Salmon; Buck Salmon; Bay Trout; Sallmon Trout;